About the Book
A ‘Tax’ is compulsory exaction of money by public authority for public purpose enforceable by law and is not payments for services rendered . Good and service tax (GST) is no different. Whatever tax is being charged has to be backed by the law passed by the state legislatures or the parliament.
Though the statutes are drafted by legal experts yet the provisions of law, specially the tax laws. may lead to different meaning to different persons which may result inconsistencies rather than resolving the inconsistencies, Interpretation of taxing statutes involves interpretation of various aspects and dimension of tax law, rules and circulars.
GST is a new tax law in India with just over five years on the statute book. So far, the law and its rules have been litigated a lot and there are various areas where disputes or disagreements have surfaced between the taxpayers and tax regulator. The courts and other forums have been settling the issues by way of interpretation which service as a guidance to all stakeholders. The book offers a unique combination as a guidance on jurisprudence, pleadings and principles of interpretation relevant for goods and services tax.
This book on Jurisprudence, Pleadings and Interpretation is divided into eleven Chapters covering various aspects of pleadings, interpretation and judicially settled issues in taxation of Goods and Service Tax in particular and other taxation laws in general.
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